CAD for Additive Manufacturing Specialist Course

The specialised course “CAD for Additive Manufacturing” offers comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for the use of CAD software for additive manufacturing. The course is ideal for technicians and engineers who want to deepen their knowledge of CAD and 3D printing.

Course Content

Introduction to CAD and Additive Manufacturing

  • Basics of additive manufacturing and its differences to traditional manufacturing methods: Learn the basic concepts and advantages of additive manufacturing compared to conventional methods.
  • Overview of common CAD software tools and selection criteria for additive manufacturing: Find out more about the different CAD software tools and how to select the right tool for your requirements.
  • Understanding the importance of design for additive manufacturing (DfAM): Recognise the important of design adjustments for the efficiency and quality of additive manufacturing.

CAD Basics

  • Introduction to the user interface and basic functions of the selected CAD software: Familiarise yourself with the basic functions and user interface of your CAD software.
  • Basic drawing and modelling techniques: Learn techniques such as sketching, extruding, turning and drilling.
  • Creation and manipulation of simple 3D models: Learn how to create and edit simple 3D models.

Advanced Modelling for Additive Manufacturing

  • Specialised design concepts and strategies for 3D printing: Learn how to design complex geometries and structures for 3D printing.
  • Create complex geometries that are specially optimised for additive manufacturing techniques: Learn how to optimise designs to achieve the best printing results.
  • Use of topology optimisation and lattice structures: Use advanced techniques such as topology optimisation and lattice structures to improve your designs.

Assemblies and Movement Studies

  • Creating assemblies in CAD: Learn how to create and manage complex assemblies.
  • Performing movement and load analyses: Learn how to perform movement and load analyses to check the functionality of your designs.
  • Checking fits and tolerances in CAD: Recognise the importance of fits and tolerances and how to take them into account in your designs.

Preparation of CAD Models for Printing

  • Conversion of CAD models into 3D-printable formats (e.g. STL, OBJ): Learn how to prepare your CAD models for 3D printing and convert them into suitable formats.
  • Adjustments to minimise material consumption and printing time: Learn how to optimise your models to minimise material consumption and printing time.
  • Troubleshooting and optimising models before printing: Develop strategies for troubleshooting and optimising your models.

Practical Applications and Projects

  • Apply the skills you have learned in real project work: Put what you have learned into practice in real-life projects.
  • Design a complete product or component: Develop a complete product or component taking into account the specific requirements of additive manufacturing.
  • Group work and presentation of project results: Work in groups on projects and present your results.

Trends and the Future of CAD in Additive Manufacturing

  • Overview of current research and development in the field of CAD and additive manufacturing: Find out more about the latest developments and research results.
  • Discuss future technologies and their potential impact on design practices: Discuss future technologies and their impact on design practices.
  • Ethical considerations and sustainability in design practice: Recognise the importance of ethical considerations and sustainability in design.

Prerequisites for the CAD for Additive Manufacturing course

  • Training or studies in the technical field
  • Basic knowledge of CAD

Course Format

  • The course takes place at our location in Altenholz and lasts two weeks

Certification and Accreditation

  • Certification: On completion of the course, you will receive a certificate confirming the knowledge and skills you have learned.
  • Accreditation: The course is AZAV certified.

Target Group

This specialised course offers a valuable training opportunity for people who want to develop their professional skills in the field of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies.

Funding Opportunities and Education Vouchers

Our course is eligible for funding through education vouchers and BFD (Berufsförderungsdienst der Bundeswehr). Use this support to finance your further training and open up new career prospects.